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Graham Kelly's picture

Critique Welcomed

Hi guys,

1st post here - I've been playing around with some dark processing. I looking for some pointers to improve - any suggestions on this image? It was shot on a dull day along Irelands West coast.



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Really good shot. If I were to be nitpicky, I'd say maybe a slightly longer exposure to bring even more motion blur into the sky....though that might smooth out water too much so I dunno. Also some targeted dodging/burning around the rocks and water could really make things pop a bit more. The rock with the hole in it is really cool and could have its shadows brought up a tad.

What a great scene! My feedback is that my eye is drawn to the high contrast area near the three rocks towards the front. I'd bring down the bright values of the water here and dodge the moving water that trails from the fron to the arch with the intention of creating a front to back flow for the eye.

Beautifully captured