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Pete Huffman's picture

First Post - looking to improve

New to Photography, have done more video in the past. Looking to figure out what i'm missing or what I need to improve.

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Perfect exposure for the sky and the rock. The composition is a bit centered. If this is cropped image, I would show more water below the rock and place it more to the right of the frame.

Thanks! And yes, I see that now, the rock is too close to the edge of the frame.

Blending different exposures would have made it a little better. Since some of those trees have a lot of motion in them. And like mentioned the rock need some room to breath.
I'm no expert by any means but I feel like the exposure should have been a little shorter, to give that water more detail.

Thanks! I did use a gradient filter for the first time to lighten the left side of the photo in lightroom. And I just started with long exposure and it feels like a new drug or something so I tend to keep it open as long as I can, but I see how the trees can be too messy this way.

Nice shot. The exposure in the mid and fore ground is a little too evenly exposed for my tastes. I feel like the image needs a little more depth via darker areas around trees. The water is silky smooth, but you might try varying the exposure time to see what you get with slighter shorter exposures, it might add a little more texture and motion to the water. I'd also look at trying to capture less of the scene here and focus in in the central rock, the water in motion, and the far rock wall. I think there's a nice composition in there somewhere, provided you could get further out into the water to line the central rock up in the stream center more.

Great idea. I like the idea of focusing on the rock more. I'll have to try that. I did flaten out the exposure in the edges of the photos, thinking this was a better look, but I think i may try to redo it with more darkness/mystery in the shadows and trees. Thanks for the comment.

Well it's all a mater of taste too, if you like the look you got that's what's important. I happen to like images that aren't evenly exposed all the way across, but that's just me.

I think your crop is good, and I like the position of the rock. My eye goes to the sky and I think is is a problem of tonality. I would try a panoramic crop taking the sky out. I like long exposures, and the silky look, but I think this one is too long - I like to see some texture - but that is my preference.

good idea. I'll see what a crop looks like