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Riju Pramanik's picture

Looking for critique

First time posting here at Fstoppers.
Both images were captured at a hill station in India. I have recently started photography, and I'd like to get some feedback on composition, lighting or any other thing that could be improved with these images.
Thanks a lot!

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Nice pics. The top one I would have tried to get the whole of the tree on the left in the picture.The bottom one I love the colour and composition is good.I would have tried though to get more of a closeup of the spider web and by changing where I shot from maybe given the web more of the green in the background

The first shot was taken from a moving car, so I couldn't frame it as such. Also there would have been a road in the foreground then. But thanks.
The second image too, I was limited by my equipment. I had the zoomed all the way on my 250mm lens and I couldn't go any more left because I was standing on a hotel balcony.
But thanks again for the input!!

No worries Riju. I love taking shots from moving cars also. I wouldn't have dreamt of doing that in the pre digital age due to the cost of film.It's amazing really how good some shots turn out taken on the spur of the moment.