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mike r's picture

New to the group (and to Fstoppers)!

Posting some of my photos in a few groups to get this train started. Just finished uploading a bunch of my portfolio to this site, looking forward to engaging with y'all!

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I like the way you are led into the distance in this shot. I had a look at your portfolio Mike and I can see where your interest is(monochrome) but beautifully composed shots.There are a lot tagging along on this train.

Thanks Geoff - appreciate the kind words! Monochrome is indeed my passion, though I've just started getting into astro.

What do you like about this image Mike?

That's a really good question - coincidentally, not one I'm accustomed to answered, so thanks for asking!

- The dark tones of the mountains and foreground foliage help to create a clear tonal separation (this is why I love shooting rainy scenes!)
- The mountains on the left-hand side added a sense of depth to the scene, and they have enough weight to anchor the image
- The two dominant mountains created a natural cradle for the lone footpath, which helped center my attention when I first explored this scene

Personally it's my favorite question when someone posts an image or simply asks for critique. Instead of writing about what I see, I want to know what you see! Great response :)

I'll definitely be asking myself this question proactively moving forward - good insights.

For some more background, this was taken along the A82 through Glencoe Scotland - that road is an absolute dream! I took a lot more, some of which are on my profile and IG - I even submitted this to the landscape CTC!