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Kevin Gewinner's picture

Starry night at Gaube lake

I’ll say it straight away : this shot was not planned at all.

During a trip in the Pyrénées (southwest France) my girlfriend and I decided to climb to the Lac de Gaube just before sunset. We didn’t know exactly what kind of view we would get at this lake. The ascension took us more time than expected and we arrive on location after sunset.

Once up there, I found the view beautiful, so I decided to quickly set up my camera for a blue hour shot. It turns out this location is really beautiful, because after that I was able to shoot the Milky Way appearing just between the mountains.

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Seems really noisy on my screen, is it that way for you or just the compression?

Yes its a little bit noisy. It was one of my first milky way shot and the camera/lens I used were not really appropriate : Canon 100D with kit lens. So I had to pump up the ISO.

Did you apply any Noise Reduction? I still like the photo and hope my question was appropriate :)

Is this one shoot, or two pictures?
Beatiful composition!
Maybe the post processing of the milky way do it a less blueish and increase contrast and highlights to make the milky way really pop

Thanks. It's a composite. Thanks for your advice, I'll try to redo the post processing when I've some time.