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Chris Hawkins's picture

Dunluce Castle Northern Ireland

The stunning Dunluce castle keeps watch over turbulent seas at northern Ireland's north coast.Please feel free to like and share. You can find my video blog of the day here https://youtu.be/hqoF-54Ldio

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4 star well done saturation was a little heavy in a couple of spots but thats my only dig at this. technically sound beautiful location great backdrop well done

Thank you for looking. Can I ask where abouts the Saturation is heavy. I only ask so I can keep an eye out for it when Im editing my next photos. I have a habit of over doing things a little which I am trying to erase from my work flow. Thanks again

Center left the green highlight of the assumably algae is a bit hot i thought the leaves were a bit overdone (orange and red) but it actually does give it a nice balance from the green grass and the rocks

Ok thanks again. You are right. The green algae is a bit hot. I will have a quick re-edit

Hi, Chris Hawkins, looking good, looking good. I also like your making of video for the shot.

In the video the castle and the hills it sits on look way darker and produce a more ominous feeling, like at 6:19 in your video. Have you tried an alternative post process, where you go for that kind of look? I've got a feeling it might also work great.

I did think about keeping the castle and hill in a silhouette type of photograph. I might just try it now that you have mentioned it. I am glad you like the video. Feel free to subscribe as I am aiming to do one video a week or at the very least one video every 2 weeks