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Devin Elrod's picture

Catawba hike

Hiked catawba falls trails.

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Did you make to the upper falls?

I think so, not sure.

Believe me you would know.......the upper falls are amazing.......at least they were 45 years ago(you had to trespass to get to 'em)

nice shots!!! just a little bit of adjustments playing around with light strength and shadows and these are all solid shots!

Too much contrast, too much green, go easy on the postprocessing you don't want it to show that much if at all. The long exposure is enough, maybe a bit of doging/burning. But you don't need all that contrast and saturation added. I'd have used a polariser to remove the reflections from the water too. For the low waterfalls, get to the ground to make them appear bigger. The one before last is the strongest image because it feels natural. With a tighter crop it would be better, again to make the waterfall matter.

Overall, I like the compositions and exposures. It just looks like something funky is happening with the highlights of the waterfall. Did you do a lot with the highlights or play with the clarity at all?