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Mark Guinn's picture

On the farm -- CC wanted

I'm still getting used to the new full frame body and 16mm-35mm lens. I was out today and found this farm so I had to stop for a few quick shots. Unfortunately, it was a little after 2pm so the sun was at its highest, creating a really hard light. Still, I couldn't pass up the change to play with the camera.

My settings here are:
Focal length - 16mm
ISO - 80
Exposure - 1/80 sec at f/16

I kind of like the hard light look but I do plan to return to this spot for the "golden hour" photo, so what should I change when I go back? How is the composition? Should I change my angle, maybe go lower (or higher)? Is the angle too wide (I'll admit it, I'm addicted to that 16mm wide look right now)?

What would you change to make this particular image better? Any CC is greatly appreciated!

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its very open right now i think (if you can) get closer to the fence line to have it pull you into the picture it kind of reminds me of a painting by andrew wyeth where there is a you girl in the foreground laying on the ground reaching toward the farm house. you are missing an element to draw you in. find that and i think it will be well improved

Thanks for the input, Joseph! I agree about the fence line... At this angle, I was trying to get the tree behind the barn, too. I think I'm going to have to sacrifice the tree to use the fence as a leading line.

It may be the lay of the land, but it looks tilted high to low to the left. Also, the sky looks a bit over saturated.

This pasture does has a steep slope down to the left. When I finally get to go back to this spot, I'm going to try a different angle that doesn't look so, well, odd.

Hi Mark. A nice scene. 16mm focal length is causing the horizon distortion I think.Sometimes wide angle lenses flatten a scene.You could have perhaps taken it with a 50mm lens from further back. I like the colours and the overall image.

As much as I love that wide lens, I have to agree that it's too much for this scene. When I return I'll try 50mm. Thank you!

I agree with Joseph, the foreground is a bit empty now and perhaps doing something with the fence (as a leading line to the barn) could possibly work.

I agree... I going to change my angle when I go back.


I think the image would be stronger with less sky and grass--they don't add much to the image--the barn is really the star player here.
Also, I agree, getting closer to the fence would be good also--although, with this crop you don't need to get a whole lot closer.

What do you think of the attached?

I like it! When I go back I'll try adjusting my composition to try this as well. Thank you!