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Matteo Callisti's picture

Northern Light

During my last trip in Iceland, I was lucky enough to witness this stunning light show. Obviously the picture has been worked in PS to enhance the Aurora, in particular, I have blended the NL with a blue hour foreground, to preserve the details which were completely burnt in the original shot. =)

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Maybe it's because I know but not having the horizon straight here throws me off completely. I know that hill in from of Kirkjufell is at a large slope so I may be one of the few that notices.

Great shot outside of that!

I've never been but i can tell too ...easy fix could also bump highlights and mid tones just a bit but great shot

Thank you for you comment! =) Just to be clear, we are talking about the road in front of the Kirkjufell? Because I think that the horizon in fairly straight!
The "left part" is like this also in the field, maybe you are talking about the wide lens distortion?

Kirkjufell is on a slant though, like if you look up the majority of photos from there. Again, I just know because I've been but most people probably wouldn't notice.

I think the version below is about straight. You can actually see that the horizon line you drew isn't acurate: On the left you can see the sky come through under your horizon, which obviously can't happen. But, apart from that, this is a great image. You could adjust the white balance for the foreground a bit to remove some of the blue cast, but that's really up to taste.

I like it as it is and what an amazing and dramatic scene.