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Faisal Ashraf's picture

Need Advice to improve landscape photography

Hi Everyone. I am new in landscape photography and need your advice to improve my skills.

Thank you.

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Best advice I can give is to start watching YouTube videos on landscape photography tips and techniques. I watch a handful of different photogs on YT and have learned A LOT from them! Try these guys for a start: Nigel Danson, Thomas Heaton, Adam Gibbs, First Man Photography.

thnx alot...Sure Ill follow your advice...

this works better from my perspective..don't be afraid of a hard crop not every shot looks good in regular format. play around with your shots in photoshop or lightroom and you'll eventually find a comfort zone of what you like to see. take a look at other peoples work that you would like to emulate and practice your post production craft and yes lots of youtube

thnx alot... :)

Good work Faisal.The best way to learn is just get out there and do it.Other advice here is good also. Posting you pictures for comment will help you.I like the bottom one as it is.The top one is a little washed out so I would be wanting a bit more contrast.Also I think there are 3 pictures in one. The round foreground with the palm trees, the shoreline on the left and just the overall scene.

sure I'll add more contract and yes it is multiple pictures.

The best advice is the advice I received from Ansel Adams back in the late sixties. Take the photograph in your head long before you think of picking up the camera. Know what your vision is. When I'm taking landscape photos these days, I may plan the shot months in advance. I'm now planning for two days in Big Bend National Park in December. I know the time of sun and moonrise on the days I'm there. I know where they will rise and set on the horizon through the use of an App called the Photographer's Ephemeris. I spend time on Google earth scouting locations. I look at every image I can find of the location -- even though I've been there a number of times before. What I'm saying is that you may spend many hours of planning for the 100th of a second exposure. You may set up and wait for hours for the right conditions to match your vision. I once spent a month with Ansel in Yosemite and during that month we went out every day to a number of locations. Ansel exposed one sheet of film during that month. Every day we would wait for the conditions and if they didn't materialize we would leave and come back again, and again, and again at times.

Very much this.

Thank you sir for your great advice. I will follow it forsure and capture some stunning landscapes. :)

Second photo is awesome. If that was planned out, think about what got you to that photo and get yourself back to that place mentally.

The first photo is confusing to me. I'm not sure what you're trying to show me. Tell me a story. Show me what is beautiful about that place, and why I should love it.