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Faisal Ashraf's picture

Need Advice to improve landscape photography

Need Advice to improve landscape photography.

Thank you :)

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On this the main visible road leads to the right, if you want it to be a leading line it should lead to where you want us to look, so probably deeper in the mountain on the centre of the picture. In that case if you crop it out, the ridgeline on the left becomes a leading line to the background so it's a bit better. But the photo also lacks contrast, many parts are hazy, so you don't know where to look. A different time of day for this location is required.

Hi Nick thank you for your feedback. I do not understand how you want me to crop the picture. Can you please crop and show me an example. Plus I waited around 4 hours to include Fog in this picture. I felt otherwise it looks average picture.

Waiting for your response. :)

The "fog" looks like smoke haze. There doesn't seem to be a single focus interest. I assume that the mountain, hill in the middle background was intended to be the focus, but because it is hazy, it doesn't work. If the focus was the winding road, then perhaps a different viewpoint would have been better. With lines, curves often a strong composite is to use these as leading lines, that's what Nick was getting at.

with all the roads going in different direction you may have wanted to use a vertical shot to crop the one on the right. fog is excellent in morning light low to the ground. in a vista like view like the one you shot you should not rely on fog due to the fact that you hide the entire scene in this case it was a detriment I'm sure if you took this shot again early morning or late afternoon/dusk you would come up with a greater outcome

I think the composition is fine. I like the roads, they add a sense of wonder. Distant shots like this often don't have a single focus interest, that is the job of the landscape itself. I think the haze adds to the mysterious feel. That being said, I think this photo lacks contrast, I would work with a curves adjustment layer in Photoshop to correct this problem. Also some dodging and burning, would do this image well.

I like it, but there's room for improvement. For starters, fog isn't a subject, it's a means to an end: You can, for example use it to isolate a subject or to achieve a separation of layers (by "stacking" the fog and getting layers of transparency). The latter is the typical use for mountain ranges. The attached picture demonstrates this use on the mountain ranges in the distance (not a perfect example, but you get the idea). It also works to some degree in you picture but it also works against you. The bright clouds and the leading lines from the hill on the left and its shadow point towards the distant hill - which is hardly visible because of the fog.

However, there are a couple of winding roads and if I were you, I'd go and scout some locations where there are S-curves try to arrange them in a way that they lead to the far hill. Then I'd wait for good light (early morning, late afternoon) which gives depth and texture to the hills - no need for fog.

Thank you sir. I'll try to do it again and consider your advices. ☺