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Andrew Lee's picture

new photographer here!

hi im a new photographer and would need some advice on these picture. are they over edited or just nice?

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Did you photoshop the clouds so that they would appear to surround the pagoda ? It's weird. The main criticism is that you added too uch clarity in lightroom, but that's something everybody does nowadays...

hi nick b, the clouds where there but it was over saturated. thank you for you advice greatly appreciate it!!

Haha not me, I haven't moved the Clarity slider in 2 years.

Welcome to a wonderful hobby! What struck me immediately is the over saturated sky. Also, you rarely, if ever, want the sky to be 'sharp'. I use Light Room. When I have a sky background, I go to the Sharpening module, go to the Masking slider, put the cursor on the slider, press the ALT key, left click and watch the sky as you move the slider. I try to get the sky as black as I can without hurting the rest of the shot.

hi david pavlich and thank you for your wonderful advice!! really appreciate the ppl here!

Well done Andrew. I am not a great retoucher so advice from these other guys is better than mine.I think it is a great image regardless of how you got there.