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joseph cole's picture

experiment...hit or miss?

either way you see this I'm just testing things out to see how i can improve things in post. challenging myself to think differently and come up with alternative results other than just another pretty picture. love it hate it just let me know.

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If it was dark and gloomy or you were trying to achieve that look you did well. I remember being on a small island in coastal victoria and the light was fading fast. I had an uneasy feeling and suddenly there were rats scurrying everywhere around my feet. I left. No pictures then.

haha yeah i was trying to go for something moody and gloomy i used 4 different layers and merged them 1 in black and white one dark and underexposed one that was natural and one more vibrant. i erased what i wanted to dismiss out of each to get a strong foreground and an eerie back ground.

It's weaker than your previous picture, there is no subject and the foreground is cluttered (and out of focus). You're still clipping the blacks.

See, the idea of having a foreground and a background is to imply depth, to add that third dimension. You don't provide any clues for depth and the image remains flat.

The difference with your previous picture was, you had a path through the image - the curve of the creek. It started in the bottom left corner and ran in a curve/diagonally to the background. That was the important bit.

This picture doesn't have that.

Look for leading lines. Then look for leading lines and after that, look for leading lines. You get the idea.

Don't let the foreground overwhelm the rest of the picture, it's there to support it. It's only needed to catch the eye at the start, let leading lines do the rest.

The challenge in woodland is to bring order into chaos, to see patterns, emphasize those and get rid of any distractions.

Don't bother with post processing right now, get composition right first, the rest will follow.

I'm with Thorsten with regards to getting composition right first. Not sure what the photo is trying to tell me / us.

Don't get the b&w mixed with coloured shot either.

Foreground is not in focus with little details too.

PP can come later once the composition and focus is sorted.

You are both correct I was testing to see if I could take a bad composition and make it interesting through post. Just messing around and trying to figure out all aspects of this medium. You can only grow through failed experiments.

Definitely mate with growing through failed experiments.
But try to emulate using good compositions and experiment with pp methods.
You can turn a good comp image to a bad final image but you cant turn a bad comp image into a good final image

Did that pic ever go through

Nope, still waiting. Where did you send it to?

Whoops didn't check there, will do in a few!

Those are all JPEGs, don't you shoot RAW?

grrr.... let me check on that i thought it was the raw file...ill get back to you

This is a biggie, if you import these as JPEG then PP is a waste of time.