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joseph cole's picture

gaining experience

over the last month my knowledge base has been flooded with ideas opinions and techniques thanks to the community. just like any other technically skilled craft you never know how much effort is put into something until you emirs yourself in it. only when you try to go for that wow moment in something creative do you realize the true efforts behind that special piece of crafted perfection. i feel like I'm gaining ground on this endeavor and I'm excited for this weekends shoot where i will try my hand at focus stacking to delete blurry images from my portfolio and also work on my composition skills. just want to say thank you to the community for the support and help along the way ...THANK YOU!!! below is a shot i took last week distorted blurry and vignetted this will be the last of these shit images, its time to get more technical and precise.

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Nice pic Joseph. There is a wealth of knowledge here which is great. I am a bit old school with my contributions but we can all learn from each other.

Nice composition. You might want to purchase a graduated ND filter to take down the highlight of the sky. Perhaps an ND6. You can fix it in post, but I think doing it in camera heralds better results.

thanks Lorretta. i do have a graduated nd filter on my list of things to purchase along with upgraded lenses, professional tripod, possibly a full frame body, a remote trigger for longer exposure than 30sec and well all the other essential stuff...gahhh i need more funds

Haha yeah I know the feeling, that's never gonna stop once you caught the photography bug. I'm going to get some lighting equipment and it'll cost me dearly, but it's the only way to get consistent light indoors.

Careful with graduated NDs if you don't have a somewhat flat horizon. Try bracketing instead and work with luminosity masks to avoid darkening objects in your scene accidentally.

Well done, Joseph!

thanks Douglas i appreciate it greatly

Can't wait to see the new stuff! I'm jealous of the location here.

thanks Chris this is at the bottom of a local state park there is camping, mountain biking trails, hiking and these beautiful fallin rock debris fields that just make for wonderful things to look at.

Definitely an improvement! May I suggest that before you start on stacking focus you start bracketing first and learn how to manually blend different exposures? You don't really need focus stacking at this point, go with hyperfocal distance or inifinity focus for the time being. Getting a good grasp of how the histogram works and how to work around sensor limitations is way more important at this stage.

good advice will do the shot that i got this morning was in this category you are speaking of ...beautiful bright sunrise got home and it was off the charts hot. also should i put this on the editing table this is straight out of camera