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2 new ones

2 new shots from this morning let me know what you think

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Neither one works for me, sorry.

A wise man once said "If you want to shoot interesting photographs you need to stand in front of interesting stuff." - sooner or later you'll run out of stuff to shoot in your neighborhood.

I just looked up locations in Pennsylvania and if I were you, I'd make the trip to Ricketts Glen State Park, see here https://www.google.de/search?q=ricketts+glen+state+park&rlz=1C1CHBF_enDE...

Of course, I have no idea how far away this place is from your home, but as you know from my latest excursion I'm not afraid of driving 300 kilometers through the night to shoot a sunrise at some castle and neither should you. It comes with the "job", so to speak.

booo hahaha i know a bit mundane but my timeframe is literally a 3 hour window from the time i leave the house to the time i get in the door for my children's activities. i will definitely get more compelling images in the near future when i get more time but as you know practice makes perfect. i could be shooting a dog turd every day for the next few months but as long as the technical proficiency is being improved on thats what I'm after right now composition and subject matter will have to wait for another day.

That's a bit like learning to drive a car by practicing how to repair it and give it a shine ;-)

I know what you mean though, I don't get around much at the moment either, but I know that's got to change and I am already making plans.

On a sidenote, I'm going to film another video about composition and my goal is to shoot mundane things and enhance them through proper composition. It's some kind of a challenge, we'll see how I fare.

Hahahaha true I'll be able to get out further in about 10 years

Gotta love the internet that location is about two and a half hours away from me great find thank you so much

That's the spirit! Might even make it a family trip.

Possibly our family has a house in the mountains up near there not a bad idea