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joseph cole's picture

over edit?

just wanted to see if you guys liked this edit

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I don't see any tell tale over edit signs like halos or over vibrant colors. I think if you used a software gradient you could keep the exposure on the sky a stop or two lower and bring up the shadows for the foreground, getting a little more detail there.

Don't get too wrapped up with PP, look for compositions first and foremost. It's easy to get carried away when there is color in the sky, but it can't carry a picture. I can see fog and trees in the distance, that's where your keeper was waiting for you (e.g. a tree silhouetted against the red sky).

yeah i shoulda used my 70-200mm for this

I don't see over edit, but I do see missed opportunities. Personally for me the area of interest is the mist rising from the ground (or water). Also another composition might be the fence as a leading line to something?

you are absolutely right this was a literal drive by shooting...i was on my way to a location that i had planned to shoot but i had to stop and turn around for these colors. as i said before up top..i should have had my 70-200 out to take this one. that fence was just bordering the road absolutely nothing to look at. i may revisit this and see if there is a better composition might even stop in and ask the owner of the property if i can shoot his/her property