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joseph cole's picture


revision... yes or no, better or worse, like it or hate it
top is new bottom is old

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I like the bottom one Joseph.

i was going for softer and a bit more natural thanks Geoff I'm just practicing in PS till i can get better images i wish there were 90 hrs in a day so i could do more of the fun stuff

It's good that you are striving for perfection Joseph. When I take up painting in my old age? I will come to you for CC as I know how good your work is there.

Haha I'll be here Geoff

Hi Joseph, I also like what you've done with the second photo. The highlights are better and lead the viewer's eyes through the photo better. Well done!

Thanks Geoff your absolutely right


If time is your concern, then that time is better invested in going out there and shoot. Forget about long exposure or any other technical details. Pick an actual subject, one that you can name, a lone tree for example. No more "the scene looked beautiful so I took a shot".

Once you have decided on a subject, use compositional rules (for example, https://photolemur.com/blog/35-composition-tips-for-taking-stunning-land...) to direct the viewers attention to it. No more, no less. Do not use Photoshop - at all.

No PS ...THATS CRAZY!!!!...lol I know we are becoming a broken record. your right my comp sucks I need to find better things to shoot. Time to go hunting....thanks for the kick in the ass.

Sometimes repetition is all it takes ;-)

Sorry for nitpicking, but 'composition' and 'better things to shoot' are not the same thing. I'm going to try to make a case for that claim in my next YouTube video.

if somebody doesn't nitpick I'm not going to improve ..its not like my wife and kids are gonna tell me what I'm doing wrong, they look at stuff and say awe pretty. i don't want pretty i want amazing.

I'm with Thorsten mate, even though bottom is better, there is no interest in the photo.
Take your time as he suggested to find a good subject and composition to shoot before working on PP.
I've seen a photographer whom I admire who solely shoots with iPhone but the subject and composition just nails the image.
Sometimes its even good to pull out your phone to work out the concept before using the camera as you wont get bogged down with all the technicalities and disctractions.

Exactly. Composition and light is everything, if you can't nail that no amount of PP is going to fix it.

Thanks Danny I need some thoughts like this to slap me in the head when I'm out to make me more aware much appreciated

I'm taking a look from time to time at your photos and one thing keeps coming (and I remember we've discussed it before). They're waaaay underexposed. I understand that sometimes it's the look you're going for, but I get the feeling that your balance is more to the lefty side of histogram most of the time. ;)

haha not all the time.....but most lol

Andrzej this ones for you lol

Now we're talking! :D