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Marcus Sapir's picture

A young orchard in the desert

This is the Arava valley in Southern Israel. It gets around 15mm of rain a year yet life abounds. Had hard time with this shot. The weather was not cooperating and what I thought was going to be an epic sunrise turned out kinda meh. But I think I got a decent shot

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Impressive Marcus. What are the trees/plants?

the plants are young Jojoba trees. and the trees are, well i dont know the name in english. אשל,Ashel in hebrew. they are just planted for wind breaks. Soon im gonna figure out a composition that can really caputure the contrast of the barren desert all around and these bright green fields.

Thanks for that. I agree with Thorsten the sun is very extreme.

You blew out the sky big time there! You might want to look into bracketing, before giving this another try. Of course, there is no way of covering the tonal range when shooting directly into the sun (and I wouldn't recommend it either, with the sun almost at full force), but I would at least expect to be able to make out the shape of the sun. This sunrise almost looks like an A-bomb exploding and the sensor of your camera might have felt just like it was hit by one. Don't do this.