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joseph cole's picture

Todays haul

this is todays, tomorrow seems more promising since i found better subjects when the sun came up. it was dark as dark could be in the woods this morning and scouting in the dark is not the most brilliant of plans. tomorrow will be full of hopefully great images hopefully the light won't be as flat.

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You're getting the hang of preserving the shadows, massive progress right there! Of these 4 pictures I like #3 best, there is potential in that, because you might just be able to create leading lines, but kinda hard to tell from the picture alone. Try different exposures (read: shutter speeds), you don't necessarily need that foggy look. In particular, try speeds in the range from 1/2s to 2s.

As for #1 and #2: Try to make use of the reflection, do you have a longer focal length?

awesome thanks ...see you guys are getting in my head. what mm would you be shooting at on these sort of shots the problem is i am working with a crop censor and from what i understand i am not using/getting the full use/frame of my lens so I'm not sure what mm I'm actually shooting with anyway. I'm definitely trying to look for more leading lines and s curves when i can all skills developing hopefully tomorrow brings more light and better subjects.

Your sensor has a 1.5 crop factor, it depends on what lens you use. If it reads "DX" then the focal length is what it says on the barrel. If it is not a "DX" lens, then multiply the focal length by 1.5.

both of my lenses are DX so does that mean the DX lenses are developed for a crop sensor

That is exactly what it means. Don't use these on FF cameras though.

ok good to know ...so I'm going back and forth on an upgrade. I'm saving for the D750. the other option is to upgrade lenses to higher quality glass its a big dilemma for me and I'm having trouble deciding. will better glass be a waste on my entry lvl D3300

No it wouldn't be, as long as it is a FF aka FX lens. If you're planning to upgrade to a FF camera, stop buying DX glass right now. DX glass is not going to work on FX (well, it is, but the pictures would have horrible vignetting). Buy the FX lens you need next and the body after (which you then will have at least one lens for).

i was looking at the d750 because it currently has a deal $2196 with the nikon 24-120 lens

I had a look at the 24-120mm/4 and quite honestly, I wouldn't spend my money on it. See for example https://photographylife.com/reviews/nikon-24-120mm-f4g-vr/3 - sharpness in the corners is terrible. I can imagine this lens will do well in street photography, but I wouldn't recommend it for landscapes. Instead, I'd go for the Nikkor 24-70mm/4 first, then get the body and after that a Tamron 70-200/2.8.

I like number 3 best as well, I think it is an interesting composition, I would return and shoot it in better light.

thanks John i certainly will this park is huge and lots to explore. check it out on maps wissahikon state park.

Lots of potential in this spot. You just need some better angles ont he composition and better light. You may need to get a little wet to get the right shot here!

lol yesterday i ordered waders to do that very thing...cant wait for next weekend. shooting from the banks limits you in so many ways unless there is an outcrop of stone your kinda stuck. like i said above this park is a gem and its only 30 min from home.

Aye, waders are the way to go, got a pair of those as well!

wow huge improvement mate! Green (or yellows) are on point here.
I like #1 and #3. Would be curious how #1 would look if you could crop the left to minimise the dominant foreground rock.

Saw your comment about waders which is great idea! A good set would have separate boots from the waders which gives you flexibility to wear the boots if its shallow.

Waders while good can also be dangerous if the water gets in from the top as the water will pull you down. Something to keep in mind of before going into the water.

thanks Danny i really appreciate it. just got the full leg waders so if they do get flooded i can easily slip out plus i don't plan on going in mor than 2ft