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Michael Higgins's picture

HDR critique?

Despite this photo being received well on the various platforms that I've shared it on, I'm unsure of the quality of its HDR aspect. When I look at it now, it seems somewhat overdone. Its a bit of a departure from my usual style; the midtones are brighter mainly. Maybe that's why I'm unsure of it.

I've been working on my leading lines more and more lately, and this boardwalk was an obvious choice.

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I am a novice myself but i do not believe it is overdone compared to most i have seen. Looks excellent to me.

Thanks Anthony

The colors are fine yes, I'd comment more on the fact that your leading lines don't lead to any interesting subject.

That's true. Thanks!

Yup, that's the problem here.

The effect is a little heavy in the walkway and just a bit in the clouds but otherwise I think it came together nicely.

Thank you Alexander

I'm generally not a fan of HDR but I don't think this overdone. I think the composition might be helped by having moved to one side or the other of the boardwalk and having the boardwalk as a diagonal leading toward one of the trees. It's always a good idea to shoot something that captures your attention from many angles to see what works best.

I agree that trying different angles can open up possibilities. This area, however, is an environmental conservation area, and stepping off the boardwalk is not permitted. Thanks, Red!

Thank you for respecting the conservation area! Too many photographers ignore those signs and it reflects poorly on all of us.

I agree with the others, it would be nice to have the boardwalk leading to something. I think the HDR would be improved if you made the sky a bit brighter. Awesome shot though!

Thank you very much Nathan

The problem with the HDR technique, is the temptation to overdo the effect. I think you have managed to balanse the effect so it doesn't look unnatural . Well done :-)