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Nathan Krum's picture

Crab Shots

Second photo is an attempt at a minimalistic shot. I'd like to get any critique you have! Thanks!

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I would suggest looking up some info on composition which would make the shots look better. Also, the crab appears to be looking away rather than towards the camera which also makes it less interesting. Waiting until it comes out of the shell and starts walking would make for a more dynamic pose. Often softly blowing on the hermit crab might also interest it in coming out of its shell..

This shot was taken before I learned about composition. What composition would you have used?

Neither shot excites me too much I would have to say Nathan but why not see what you can do with this.Is this in an aquarium? The only snail shot I took of nail was a backlit shot with the snail's trail quite clearly evident. It's lost in my archives somewhere.It did help to tell a story.Maybe if you were right in close it might work better.

go look up Peter Virang for a look at macro

On what platform?

go to community and do a member search