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Joshua Taylor's picture

Irish castle landscape - Overcooked or not?

I've looked at this picture so much I can't objectively judge it anymore. This is actually my second edit of this shot.

I love it, but part of me feels like the colors are too much or SOMETHING is too much.

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The (large and colorful) cows in the foreground dwarf the castle (your subject) in the background and pull the viewer's eye from it.

wait.... there's a castle!? :)

Yep, I agree with Thorsten. The cows are too big. You need to place yourself away from the cows, use a telephoto, and compress all this so the cows seem to scale with the castle. Something like a recent photo I took in Normandy. Mine isn't a superb photo, for once it's mid day sun and second the vegetation on the bottom right is too dominant, but the cow and manor are the proper scale for the shot. I think I was about 50 meters away from the scene. Also, the cows in your photo are grazing and peaceful, which is in contrast with this dramatic sky that seems more menacing. I think some touch of dehazing is needed, probably 15 or 20 %, and the green grass in the foreground is a bit too saturated (once you dehaze, the background will in turn have more saturation so that may be enough).

I don't use lightroom but might give the equivalent a try. Do you not think that will make an already flat image flatter?

over cooked just a bit but nothing PS can't fix. i don't mind the cows as much but your composition is very heavy left i think if you would have moved 15ft (yes feet I'm american) to the left this would have been a nicer balance.

I wasn't in love with the composition, but the cows are blocking a large parking lot that was unavoidable if I moved too much. This was actually a planned shot and I had not planned on the cows being there and the plan was to shoot considerably lower to the ground. Had to make the best of it.

politely kick the cow and tell them to mooove.

That is worst than my attempt at humour Joseph.


Good point, balance is off as well.

yeah very heavy left

I love this shot Joshua. I think the cows make the picture. And no they are not overcooked. Fairly rare I would say.(joke alert).When travelling round Tasmania with friends in 1973 we were struck by the beauty of the cows in the landscape. We took a few pics of them.

Its hard to go to ireland and not leave with a camera full of cow, lamb and sheep pictures.

We felt that way in Tasmania. Tasmania is our Island State and while very much part of Australia it is unique. It has a very high rainfall compared to the mainland and hence more greenery.I have never been to England or Ireland but sometimes it feels like that I think those places would. It also has english names for streets and locations. Many names on the mainland have an aboriginal derivation.

Take multiple shots, use these in PS to erase moving distractions.

This image is actually a composite of various cow positions (and one removed)

I'm glad nobody has mentioned the sky because it was also replaced...

Nobody mentioned the sky because the eye is immediately going for the cows.

I don't feel like it's over cooked. Just left heavy. Also agree with the idea that stepping further away with a telephoto could've made this a cooler shot. But, I don't dislike it as is.