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Mon Jeff's picture

Roses in Bloom! I think it is still Nature. Please critique.

The plant was begging me to click this rose. Perfectly held by the bush, at an angle, and the criss-crossing wooden background were a fortunate background!

Please critique. I used Digital Photo Professional 4 for post-processing, although not a lot was done on this image.

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a few things ....the flower is not completely in focus, there seems to be some chromatic aberration going on in the top pedals and with this particular shot i would have used the lattice a bit differently maybe something like below. flowers a fun to shoot especially when the colors are vivid and the background is interesting just make sure they are sharp unless you are aiming for a particular spot example below

Patterns draw attention, you don't want the background to do that. Also, you let something else intrude into the picture from the left and from the bottom which also distracts from the subject. As Joseph already mentioned, you don't have your subject in focus and you lose even more detail thanks to the shaded parts.

I understand the idea, but it doesn't work for me. If you want to work with patterns, look into the "disrupted pattern", aka "the odd one out".