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Eduardo Perme's picture

South Rim, Arizona

Cold November, arriving in from Las Vegas five hours in, we had the first stop of the Grand Canyon at its famous outlook spots of the South Rim. It was SO WINDY that the temperature was cold enough to turn me into a Popsicle. Nonetheless, the scenery is beautiful and all the fluffy snow all around make it a magical place.

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Very magical! A beautiful image. I think many of the landscape images in this group are overworked but what the heck!

this barely had any editing. just upping the contrast a bit popped out the colors

Point taken. Some places are just so amazing we don't need to enhance them hardly at all.

One of the coldest nights of my life was spent camping at the grand canyon - and I did a stint in Alaska! I take living in Arizona for granted and have only visited the canyon twice. Need to mosey around up there more often. It's a beautiful sight to see when it's completely covered in snow, though!

I hope you don't mind me critiquing a bit. I wish you could see more snow in this picture. Until you said there was snow in it I didn't even notice it. I also wish the subject was more defined. If you got lower and had one of the trees as the subject it could have been nice. I realize you probably won't be able to go back any time soon.

well yeah unfortunately, this shot was the highest part in a way and I cut some off the bottom because then the people at the bottom doing selies and stuff would ruin the picture.
Also The far left where the ice is, there a chapel there with people as well obstructing.

I understand your problem. You could have used the chapel as the subject, and taken several shots with a tripod and blended them together in PS to remove the people.

actually i was going too but this shot was a last minute shot because the bus was about to leave!
No consideration I would have.