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Mike Gutting's picture

Jekyll Island, GA

These are from Driftwood Beach, on Jekyll Island. I would really appreciate some feedback on these shots.

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i like the first one i would love to see this as a long exposure, nice color you got a bit of reflection you were able to get the warm tones of the tree with some detail not bad
the second I'm wondering if you used a polarizer to reduce the glare its very contrasty I'm not sure if you were going for that look or not but this may have been better shot as a portrait than a landscape format it would have accentuated the shadows

It would also make a beautiful black and white

Great subject matter Mike. I really think the top one is exceptional.The bottom one I think would have been better if all the lines touching the edges of the picture had not stopped there but been encompassed in the whole shot.Would probably look better in black and white and horizon needs to be straightened a little.

I like the first one, but the branch on the right is getting cut off every so slightly. I think, if you can go back, it would be a good idea to try and put it right in the middle of the frame. As mentioned by others, you could also try for a long exposure, and converting that to black and white would give it a more artistic look. But that's totally up to you.

Also, I could be wrong, but it seems like you darkened the top of the image in post. Normally that's a good way to add a kind of mood to the photo, but it doesn't really work here because the clouds are now too dark, and it's making the top of the tree dark.

A nice start, just a few fixes here and there and it could be stellar.

Having been there and spent some time shooting I can say that getting a good perspective is a lot more difficult than it seems. The beach is literately wall to wall with these trees and trying to isolate one is challenging. You did get a nice sky, something mine were lacking. I converted some of my shots to B+W and it made them a lot more dramatic. I do like the first one and understand why the branch on the right is clipped, I can see just an artifact of the tree on the right you were trying to crop out. As to the second, I agree with the others... I'd like to see a B+W conversion for the dramatic effect.