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Mike Pitts's picture

Wings & Glass -- the redo!

I received a lot of notes on this photo when I posted it a day or so ago about removing the horizon line. I put it photoshop and with some trial and error got rid of it so now it's a nice smooth gradient all the way to from top to bottom.

I'm brand new to fstoppers, so please tell me if posting a re-edited version of the same photo is a faux pas. If not, I'm always open to notes and thanks to everyone that critiqued.

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Well done Mike. I think this does really make it look more interesting.

Many thanks Geoff!

Yooooo this is very cool

Thanks Trevor!

A big improvement over the last one. I love the gradient from light to dark down the image.

Just one, tiny, tiny, tiny nitpick if you're going for the glass look. If you can, use the power of post-processing to clean up that water. Right now it kind of looks like glass someone with a mouthful of kale recently sneezed on, haha.

This image is on its way to a 4 for me... Imagine that, a 4 that isn't an epic grand landscape! I'm going to have half of the Fstoppers community chasing me down with pitchforks, haha.

Haha thanks Jordan!! Definitely right about the water. I forget what it was, but there were little bits of something floating that day.

I’m not super versed in photoshop (something I’m trying to work on) do you have any advise on how to smooth it out? Or just a google term I could search to watch a video. Thanks again for the notes!

I have to honest, I'm not a Photoshop wizard myself. I only use it for focus stacking, removing distractions, and doing firework composites.

Personally, I would try using the clone stamp, then use the healing tool as needed. I doubt this is the most efficient way to do it, so I'd recommend doing a quick check around the web before using my method. There are a lot of people out there who are much better than I am, haha. Also, I don't use Photoshop CC, I'm only using Photoshop Elements, so if you're using CC, you will be able to do more than I can.

Thanks Jordan! I found the easiest way to do it was just death by 1,000 clicks with the spot healer. I'm not going to post this picture a third time to the group, but I uploaded the newest (and hopefully final) version to my portfolio with the clean water and no horizon. Thanks again for all the help/notes.