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Timothy Harris's picture

A VERY Warbler fall

Orange-crowned warblers (light blue sky background) and Nashville warblers invade Denton Creek Texas - one of my favorite diverse birding spots. These guys let you get real close if they think you're one of their own. :-)

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I'm still trying to figure out how to pin these little guys down they don't like to sit and wait for too long, I'm fine with ducks and geese but those little birds are frustrating....nice shots

I am learning to identify birds by call so I'm all about centering myself right in the middle of the calling as they are calling out to others. Birds are extremely pattern based if all things are equal. If you see them in a tree and they leave, stay in that spot. They will return.

obviously my patience levels are pretty low haha but i did get a toad this morning

Great capture!

Thanks man I almost stepped on him this morning he was so well camoflauged he stayed there long enough to shoot was a big son of a gun size of a baseball

Thanks for posting Timothy. I love to see people doing just what you are dong. I am always interested in birds outside of my own geography and thier images. Keep them coming.

Thank you so much Geoff! Nobody else is documenting my area, so i thought I would. I blog too if you’re interested in my commentary. https://timharris.photography/blog/focus-interrupted/

Thanks Tim will definitely have a look at your blog.I have had a quick look and I like it and will look at it some more later. Just dodging bobcats at the moment. Not really I love that your wife warned you about them. We don't have large cat predators in Australia although we have a big feral cat problem in the interior.That is domestic cats gone wild. They tend to decimate small birds and animals.