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Lionel Fellay's picture

Playa de La Gueirua

I don't play very often with B&W because I really think B&W isn't fitted for all landscape scenes.

When I took the shot, the light was good, but the color in the sky were not equals, In post I decided to give a try in B&W to enforce strenght of these scary sea stacks.

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I like your b&w processing and how the dark sea stacks lie between the brighter sea and sky. The square crop works fine here, but I feel like a horizontal 4x5 would give the stacks I little more space to the left and to the right.
I think b&w works great in this image!

I agree about giving the stacks a bit more room to “breath”, but I love the way you captured the churning water juxtaposed with the unmoving rocks. Well done!

Scary approaching those in a boat Lionel. Well done. I think you have portrayed the sense of menace really well.

I love the layers in this image, and the movement in the water. You did a fantastic shot capturing this location.

Excellent shot!