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Faisal Ashraf's picture

Need Feedback and Advice

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The image is very balanced, with soft tones and brilliant colors. Yet I do not like the "chem-trails" dratting across the sky. Perhaps taking this picture at a different time of the day/evening & not when the jets are leaving their chem trails.. the image would have been far superior. if one was to crop this image lower on the horizon, it would detract from the overall perspective and lessen the colors.

Hello Faisal,
Did you try a startrail photography?

"Chem Trails" he took this picture during a chem trail dump..

ok, thanks for the detail.

david huguet Hi David. Yes I took startrail and on sunrise I have clouds so I blend in together.

What is going on with the sky? Aircraft?

In the past, jets use to have long chemtrails. Today, they seem to be short puffs, at least around our area. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory

David Russell no it is not aircraft. It is star trails which I captured in night.

Thanks Faisal. I do have a few suggestions.

Firstly, the startrail work needs to be more consistent to get a good effect. It looks really strange with the trails broken in irregular sections.

Secondly, the foreground on the left is not doing anything for you here. What you could do next time is get right beside the water to make the most of the reflection which would help make it a more powerful shot and cleaner composition. You could maybe do a nice silhouette with one of the trees (or maybe not, hard to know for sure).

Still, MASSIVE kudos for your creativity! I would love to see if you get the chance to try this shot again or something similar. If you refine the composition and make the stars nice smooth trails you'll have something special :)