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Michael Higgins's picture

I kept the subject pretty much dead centre, is that working for you?

I wasn't looking to photograph wildlife on this foggy morning; my aim was to create some moody woodland landscapes, but I came face to face with this young but impressive whitetail buck.

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Hi, I'd say dead centre would work if you had isolation of the subject (but there's a large tree on the left) or symetry (but the deer is at an angle). As is I'd prefer the animal on a third. You nailed the mood though, and the subject is sharp as can be. The antlers are very clean and well lit. When I shoot one of those there's always a broken antler, or some velvet coming off (especially on moose) so whatever crop you choose, keep it in your portfolio.

That makes good sense, Nick. Thanks very much!

Hi Michael,

I agree with Nick. Centre would have worked if the left and right were well balanced. Balanced in terms of both symmetry as well as exposure. The foliage on the left kind of imbalances the picture. It's much closer than the trees in the background on the right, and less exposed. I don't know if you could work with your exposure adjustments to selectively increase the exposure of the foliage on the left, but it may be worth a try. And maybe I would expose the reds and yellow highlights just a wee bit more. Keep the shadows on the darker side.

Very nice subject though.


Good suggestion to rebalance with exposure and not cropping. Thanks!

I agree with the other two comments just lighten left side to balance together with the vignette of the right. Incredible image though. Post your camera. Lens and settings.

Thank you Loretta. I have to figure out why my gear and setting are no longer being included automatically.

Aperture: f/3.2
ISO: 3600
Shutter Speed: 1/100th
Focal Length: 200mm

love the image nice and soft and moody just what i tend to like i think you may want to play with a few different crops but i think this is technically sound...just seems to be a lot of dead space on the left

Thanks joseph

Hi Michael. I love this image. I've taken the liberty to do some crops though for comparison.I think we overlook square compositions too much.

Thanks for the suggestion. I like the centred composition the best, uh oh :/

Yes it works for me! I love composing subjects dead centre :)