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Ian Fraser's picture

streams and waterfalls in winter/snowy conditions.

As the snow starts making its presence know over here in Western New York, it makes me wonder how to get a good composition during this time of year. I know that some of the bigger falls out here can be amazing but, the backwoods are plentiful with some good streams and falls. I am trying this year to work on smaller scene compositions and would love any tips on comp and editing you guys can give.


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Just one of my tips I give other photographers & you can choice to accept or deny the tip, but have you ever tried to squint your eyes away from the view finder before taking a picture.. as this would help you compose your image better. In other words. the main draw to this is the flow of water.. starting at the top, your eye travels down the flow.. but is side tracked off the photograph right in the middle of the image.. Blurring or squinting your eyes would have better helped you locate the flow and keep it within the frame. C-

I have never thought to try that, thank you.

The transference of what you see and what the camera sees is all up to how best to suggest or forward thinking the image into the camera. If the camera was part of you eye/s then there would be no doubt ones images would be on target. You may have noticed this with film photographers as the director or camera person has a free lens which they carry on them at times to view the picture before it's been taken. Squinting allows one to blurry the image within your eyes and help localize what's important in the image. Once you have this down, then you need to find the right lens that can dictate what you've seen.

It's quite blurry. Orton effect pushed too far ? Or is it the mist from all the water ?

You guys are nuts ....personally I dig it, it's not the most technically sound shot but I like the moody ethereal look the angle is good the water is nice and smooth I like the contrast.... that's my take....I would like to have seen this in portrait to see base of falls and leading into the woods

Joseph.. the objective is to help the Oper by voicing our views of his/her image, NOT pointing out or telling others they are nuts because of how we view his/her image. Please reconsider your comment. if an Oper wants my support then they have the right to up or down vote my comments.. All it takes is one down vote, and I'll not offer suggesting to that particular member ever again. The reality of this is I'm like Gordon Ramsay of Photo Critiques. If the image is good or bad I'm going to say it..and just not use the fbomb getting my point across.

i get it... i meant no harm.. just being facetious...of course no one person is right or wrong at the end of the day we all can only offer our own thoughts and recommendations based on our own personal taste ..by the way are you going to upload images so we can see your work at some point?

Negative. Although a new camera is on it's way or soon to be, I'll never post any of my images here as there's only one person who needs to critique them.. My wife.