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Kyle Foreman's picture

Looking for Feedback

I used photoshop to blur the back ground on this as I can't afford a 70-200 f/2.8 right now. Just wanting to get some thoughts on how it looks/things I could do to make it a little better. Thanks.

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Just at a glance,
-There is something funny happening with the blur on the words on the sign in the background (artifact around the last red letter) this is also evident on the edge of the sign (left of the bird's head)
- You lost separation between the back of the bird's head and the sign, I think this is mostly a color thing.


You're correct....the color of the boat's hull takes away from the pelican's nice pose. Had the boat's hull been blue or green, this would have been a way cool shot.

Awe. A boat not a sign, that makes way more sense. I feel dumb :/

It didn't dawn on me that you said 'sign' instead of 'boat'. I guess I should read with a bit more concentration. :-)

Agreed. Would look a cooler if the boat was a different color.

I noticed the letters looking funky as well but I couldn't tell if it was the blur or just the way the colors are painted. They are painted red with like an orangeish color under neath. I've attached another pic unblured for reference. Good stuff though guys, thanks! I'm going to go back and do some more dodge and burning and see if I can get the pelican to stand out a little more.

Love the pelican on the post. Classic.
Closer would have been better (not always doable with critters though). Failing that I would crop it down for more bird and less boat. I would reduce the brightness on the front of the bow as well. I think the "synthetic bokeh" is pretty good. Like to see it with a bit more blur even.

Thanks. I agree with more cropping and more blur, the only reason I didn't do it is because the boat is kind of a staple of the community and I wanted you to still be able to see/read the letters.

I've revisited this photo and applied some of your suggestions. What do you guys think? Do the changes look better? I've cropped in a little more, and I feel like I've got better separation b/w the bird and boat. Let me know what you think.