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David Brisbane's picture

I'd love some feedback. Panorama at the Hanalei Valley Lookout in Kauai, HI.

2 frame panorama. Taken with Nikon D7200 & Nikkor 18-140mm.

I'm fairly new to Lightroom and used it to bring out some of the colors. Any suggestions on how to make this a more dynamic photo or am I being overly critical?

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Somehow I'm used to see a rainbow with more significance in the composition, on that way IMO rainbow and the rest of the pictures competing for the primacy. In this case I would throw rainbow out of the composition and leave those beautiful fields and hills with enough dynamics and a beautiful arrangement of light and shadows.

Thanks, Radisa! I appreciate the feedback. I felt very similar after reviewing my edits.

Sometimes it's better to focus on a part of scenery that seems more attractive for composition. (and use the full potential of the lens you own)
To learn how to look at the landscape at a moment is difficult, it's easy for us now to be smart :)

I agree with Radisa, because the rainbow is on the far left of the composition and leading out of frame (also the small portion of a palm tree), it's more of a distraction here than a feature. And I my be a bit jaded having grown up on Kauai, but rainbows in Hawaii are bit of a cliche anyway :P Kauai has so much of its own natural beauty that rainbows aren't required! The other thing to watch out for is the over saturation of greens in pics form Kauai. I tend to think post of shots from Hawaii tend to need less saturation, not more. Let the details and textures of the cliffs and forest make the image, not the color so much. Check out Mark Denney on Instagram form some great low saturation images from Kauai. And finally, compositionally, I think this is a decent shot but you could have tweaked the position just a bit to separate the near and far peaks in the middle right of the image. They line up a bit and I think it's killing the sense of depth you could otherwise get here.

Thank you for the recommendation, David. I will definitely check out his work. I see what you mean about the composition as well. The mountains seem a bit flatter than they really are.

here's my assessment with regards to David Medeiros thoughts did basically what he said cropped in a bit on left cloned out rainbow desaturated increased contrast did a darker exposer layer earned parts of that layer at bottom of the scene to expose the striking sunlight took 5 min to do so it should be an easy adjustment if you like it

Thanks, Joseph! That really helps me visualize it and it's quite the difference.

without all those bright spots it brings back the drama that so much of Hawaii has to offer

Hi David. I like the picture as it is but can see the point about the rainbow on the left.However I never like to discard rainbows. They have a message for us in the Bible.

Genesis 9:16
16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

You could crop for a portrait image on the left featuring the rainbow and lighten up the dark foliage a bit on the left.

Thank you for sharing that, Geoff. Very insightful perspective.