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Radisa Zivkovic's picture

Some useful tips!

If the traffic is not in accordance with your needs, use your car and someone close to you to help. My wife was willing to drive three laps to get this photo from six LE shots merged into PS.
If you have some own practical tips feel free to join!

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Good composition and great image! The only minor thing I might have done differently would've been to get a little more light on the background hills and the destination. But, in reality, that's really just subjective. Good job, though!

That would require additional exposure for dark partitions (in selective processing), which I did not do unfortunately (can be considered as an additional tip for advanced users). Excellently noted Ryan!

you can always put in background lights in post with a brush tool as long as you can see the town and just amp up what is already existing.. i wouldn't go randomly placing dots of light it would probably turn out awful

Great advice Joseph! There are various possibilities. In this example I mainly apply techniques that reflect the perception of the human eye at a given moment. (except in the case of my conceptual projects, where I let my imagination to run wild :)

nice shot Radisa use what ever you can to get it done.. i like it, nice curve, beautiful sunset, nice atmosphere in the distance. i don't know why but that highway marker is bugging me

Thanks Joseph! Yes, high altitude and snow in winter require such a "sign". I did not remove in post processing solely because of the credibility of the LE photo as example.

Alternatively, if you don’t have a car, you can run up and down the street like a madman with glow sticks.


lol :)

haha! would for sure result in interesting patterns...

This is a really nice one. But please remove this iron pole at the right roadside.

Thanks! It seems that this stick draws attention, and Josef also mentioned.

yes it does! it is kind of distracting. Especially considering your last post (Maddelana) everybody would have thought you would remove the pole ;-)

lol surprise factor!
