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joseph cole's picture

outing with Dan Zafra

this morning i got out with fellow photographer and the establisher of capturetheatlas.com go check his work out on here as well. i showed him and his wife around wissahikon park which is no special place like what they have experienced traveling the world but it's getting out in the field for new challenges.
Here's what i captured....

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Decent shot! I'd focus on the two swirls in the foreground, I can feel there is a keeper somewhere...

thanks Thorsten
come across the pond and show me already lol... i would say I'm sick of this place but im not plenty of angles to try and ways to learn different setups.
i will definitely be trying for that 4-5 star. Dan and i will probably head up to ricketts glen at some point this winter as well those falls look gorgeous for what we have available at least...

Keep in mind, that a gorgeous subject is only part of the story, you need the light and find a good composition as well. Your current subject may not be the most iconic, but you should be able to shoot a more engaging picture there. I'm in the same boat, there's not much interesting stuff in a 50-mile radius but I still keep trying to come up with a nice shot.

the light is an issue as the fall is directly behind a mountain/large hill anyway it seems to always be in shadow except peak sun hour... ill keep at

Here's what I had to make do with when I started.

nice to see that we all start in about the same place

Yeah it's a bit like in World of Warcraft, different starting zones, different quests but same level. LOL

EDIT: The similarities are striking actually, some try to cheat the game by having others powerlevel them, but those powerlevelled characters don't know how to play their class properly. Bosses are iconic locations, drops are photographs (sometimes epic, when the sky is on fire, cloud inversion is legendary). If your character is defeated it means your camera fell off the tripod... LMAO
