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joseph cole's picture

spring house

i drive past this little structure almost every day we have a ton of them around but they all exist on private property this one is close to the street so no need to ask permission, I've just wanted to shoot this for some time so i finally did i think ill like it better in the snow or a starry night...

btw...with fog or without these branches are killing me

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These branches are mandatory IMO, only if you can just go little down and move to the left with framing, it would be ideal.
Fog is always welcome, it just needs to be more dense.
Wonderful atmospheric image Joseph!

thanks Radisa i will try a different composition on the next shoot unfortunately there is a chain link fence right at the bottom of this shot that i managed to not get in frame and pulling those foreground branches out of the created fog would take days

Just a little more distance between the branches and the tops of the trees, that they do not mix.
And for the little moving on the left, see if you can.
Btw. it seems to me that it's not a fog on another example, but some vocational editing :)

was pretty much up against a tree to my left but ill see i could probably get it with a pano on my other lens

You are so close, just wait for the right conditions and light.

I can't believe it! I disagree with The Queen! Not a fan of the overhead-branches-framing-the-main-subject look.

You'll get a great image here, Joseph. Maybe cut down the offending tree - just like moving the Coke can out of shot, really...

I'd wait for some leaves on those branches.

When you go back, just make sure to to give the building some room to breathe in the left. Otherwise, looks like a nice little location.

Quite agree about the breathing room.

The building reminds me of this one. No atmosphere in my image, though.

But the light.

Is faked.


Its a nice shot, though as others have mentioned the framing could be better, that shed is a bit too in the face. I'd like to see a version of this backed off 10 feet, maybe capturing the rest of the tree on the left, or keeping the shed hard left and capturing more of the tree on the right.

ill have to send you a natural pic my options are extremely limited lol

Post, and ye shall regret...

Lol you’ll have a good laugh

I personally feel the branches are fine, keeping the eyes on the subject and filling in what would otherwise be a gray sky.
I agree that taking a couple of steps to the left to leave a little breathing space might help, but fully understand that this may not be possible.
Lovely moody image, especially in the first.

thanks Alan!!