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Robin Quarrelle's picture

Where am I at with my images?..

Hi all,

this is a post slightly mirroring Eriks below, Im fairly new to photography, been on this site a little while, but certainly not as an active user.. I started experimenting with landscape photography 6 months or so ago, and it has become a real passion of mine since - I am hopefully heading to the Faroe Islands this year to indulge this passion!

I'd love to know where I am at with things, and get any suggestions for progression, I have discovered some great channels on Youtube (Mads Peter Iverson, Brendan Van Son etc), and learning a lot from them, but the chances to get some critique so far has been limited..

If anyone has a chance to browse the images on my profile, give them a rate, and perhaps some feedback if you have a moment would be very appreciated!

Thanks all so much in advance :-)

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There's a couple of things I would suggest.

Critique as many photographs as possible; you don't have to comment, but it will let you work out what you like and what you don't like, and why.

Shoot as much as you possibly can; and then critique every single image - be brutal. If you don't have a camera with you, visualize what you would shoot.

With regard to your images on display, I would suggest that blue skies will often (but not always) make pretty bland landscape images. Search out weather.

Hi Edward - thank you very much for the suggestions - they are very appreciated, I must be honest I had not thought about how to apply my critique of other images to my own shooting - an obvious point when you mention it, I shall start doing this more.. As for the weather, absolutely right, I need to get out when the suns not shining too!

Your profile photos are wonderful, [perhaps a but over-saturated/vibrant for my own liking but I'm sure the masses will find appealing,.
I second Edward's suggestion - critique the photos you love to determine what attracts you to them, then apply the same critique to your own - not to replicate but to incorporate preferred elements into developing your own style.

One YouTuber I'd like to recommend is Thomas Heaton, very down to earth and unpretentious.

Hi Alan, thank you for the feedback, its very appreciated. I actually recently discovered Thomas Heaton as well! I find his videos great to watch, as you say, very unpretentious and down to earth!