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shylesh S's picture

Butterfly Beach.

Hi guys,

Here is one of the shots which I have taken in my recent Goa trip. We camped at the place overnight and the experience was amazing. This shot was taken on the next morning. Unfortunately, the sky wasn't interesting enough and I wasn't carrying an ND filter to get that silky smooth water feel also. Please feel to express your thoughts about the shot.


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Hi shylesh,

The colors are great and the sun rays are also very appealing.

From the shape of the photo I assume it is a crop. I am missing a bit of the wet sand portion on the left, it seems to uneven the image without it.

Also, the rocks seem to be "too colorful" - if this is due to HDR processing, can you tone them down a bit?


I feel like the orange on the rocks is taking away from the purple, blue, and green hues. I might tone down the warmth on the rocks a bit. I'd also either edit out the dry part of the sand (the section that's furthest away) to create more consistency. My eye keeps going to that spot because of the odd color shift, but there's nothing there that's interesting. So it's pulling my attention to a place where it shouldn't. Overall though, its a very cool shot

I agree with the others, this is an amazing photo but it does feel a little left heavy. However I do feel if you would have moved a little left to remove the large boulder on the right it might have compensated for the left heavy.

I quite like it. Too bad you posted a very low resolution copy, it's hard to judge whether or not it's actually sharp.

Thanks for the valuable input guys.

Since there has already been feedback about the colors and composition, I'll focus on the water instead. You mentioned an ND with regard to smoothing the water, however, my thought is that sometimes, the natural texture of water works really well with a scene and it does so in your photo. Perhaps it offsets the textures in the rock and catches the light in the sky - can't place it, but I happen to like it.

I really like the color in the sky and feel that this image has a lot of promise. The sunburst really sets the mood and the location is beautiful.
I also like that the image appears sharp throughout (focus stacked or small aperture?_
My immediate reaction is that the foreground rocks are the center of attraction.
The visual weight they have (almost 50% of the frame) draws the eye down.
I can see that you may have wanted to include those nice leading lines in the rocks but for me it throws the composition off balance.
The image is also overly saturated for my liking - if you could keep the sky and tone down the rest I think that would look great.
In this case I don't thing an ND would have helped as the boats would become blurred.
Her's a quick (cropped/saturation dropped) edit you can use as a quick comparison, but I'd encourage you to stick to your own artistic preferences.