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joseph cole's picture

late night with the stars

so i thought i would get the stars and their reflections on the lake but i was mistaken since the lake was frozen.
besides missing the focus on the foreground by a smidge what do i need to do to improve?

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Not bad, the big dipper, Ursa Major. What you can see on the horizon is light pollution. I doubt that what you're trying is actually possible, for starters the stars are quite high up and you'd need to have a 50/50 division at least to have reflections of the upper part of the sky (you don't want to have a reflection of the fake sunset, do you?) The only alternative is to pan the camera down, in which case you'd lose the sky.

I went up because there were no reflections because the Lake was frozen and it was distorting most late so there was no way I was going to get the reflections but I can try again when it thaws and I will definitely do what you suggest

I personally prefer tungsten white balance for night shots as it makes the sky "bluer". Having said that, you'll need a perfectly still lake to get the reflection as three stars are tiny, I think...

I thought so too on the star size but that’s my only 2.8 lens at 14mm