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David Russell's picture

Your critiques once more if you please :)

Out again this morning to my favourite location as the weather and light forecast looked pretty reliable. And indeed it was! Finally a better morning with some good light. Feeling back in the game again :)

All critical feedback welcomed.

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I feel any critique from me on this is just personal style and nit-picky stuff. The whole thing works for me, and I love it

Cheers Jeff :)

Nice image david lucky you had that gorgeous tree there to dilute the sun nothing worse than an ugly tree did you try for the sunstar or just this shot

Not sure what you mean Joseph

When you shoot at a higher aperture like f/22 you can produce a sun star or pointy beams of light when obstructed by an object just gives a different effect

Oh I see, no did not try to do that. Just used the tree to balance the light :)

is it soft just for me on my monitor? The image makes me want to build a cabin there. Its kind of soothing. The dark spot on the right side between the right-most tree and the next tree to its left is a little distracting to the eye. Beautiful photo.

the uploaded version is definitely a bit soft - not sure what the max image dimensions are on here. It's pin sharp in the original.

I find it very hard to represent a nature/landscape in b&w, and I rarely like such images, but this one I love! The tree silhouette with the shadow it casts, the dark forest background, cutting the low contrast mountains.. perfect!

One thing I notice - is the glow on top of the background trees intentional, or it's just the light so strong, that it glows so much?

Yeah just how the light was. Extremely bright winter sun right after dawn and with the temp so low the air holds the light due to airborne ice crystals