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Elissa McMeniman's picture

Crest of the Falls

Would love some critique on this! Thank you.

(Taken at the top of the Montmercy Falls in Quebec, Canada.)

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Very fitting for a B&W picture, well done! The only gripe I have with it is the black triangle on the left.

Too stark? Should I lighten to a mid-tone gray?... or add texture?

On first impulse I'd say replace it with the surrounding background (i.e. bricks), but it doesn't have to have much texture actually, it needs to be lighter because that will split the image in half. The black triangle feels alien somehow. But I wasn't sure.

So I played around in PS for a while and the only thing that worked for me was this:

That is a really interesting edit - really emphasizes the flow of the water! Hmmmmm...you've given me something to think about.

I don’t mind it , it mirrors the bottom right corner and accentuates the direction of the flow

Excellent composition, love the abstract if that is what you were going for. I particularly enjoy how the angular shapes go from a hard line on the left and degrade/ break down as your eye travels right.

I like it as is, but I did have two thoughts if you don't mind: 1) maybe bring out a few more specular highlights in the area where all the fuzzy water spray is, there seems to be a lot of detail and just a little more teasing the highlights there could complement the blackest regions on the left and right sides. 2) I wouldn't mind pushing it a step further into abstract territory by removing the vertical reflection in the black water on the right. And maybe remove the spots (bubbles?) in that black water as well. Might be a nice way to finish the composition, on the left it starts with a very strong black triangle, and on the right you would have those wonderful midtone reflections breaking away or streaming away into black. A hardline vs. an organic line.

I know TL;DR, Just a couple of thoughts, but I do really like it as is, bravo!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I am definitely going to try your suggestions. Your point about pushing the abstract is a good one: if I'm going to go there, I should really do it.

I also agree that taking out the bubbles would balance out the black triangle on the left. They aren't really necessary to the composition.

Like Joe said just some clean up work needed, solid image Elissa!

Thank you!

Here was what I was thinking (super quick PS touch up and re-crop). I think there is a very nice fine art abstract going on here where the strong 'manufactured' triangle on the left has an organic opposite on the right as the water ripples degrade leaving a natural line.

I wouldn't add textures or make the triangle on the left mid-tone. It starts this great repetition of angles that break down. There are 5 lines that play interestingly together: 1) the hard line of the left triangle 2) the shadow arc on the brick wall is a bit softer 3) the edge of the water spray mimicking the shadow line 4) white water spray meeting the smooth water ripples 5) and finally the water ripple reflections streaming away into the black on the right side.

All personal tastes of course, but you have created a very nice piece with some subtle complexities.

I did forget to quickly dodge a few more highlights into the water sprays to add a bit more interest there as I mentioned above.

As with Thorsten I was drawn by the triangles on the left. When viewing further however I think they play an important part to the composition.
I am not sure if this is what you were after, but I would try to crop from the right so that the white water creates a diagonal across the (square) image.
Just a very quick/small snip to give the general idea.

I'll give that a try - thank you!

Edited. I think this is a stronger image. Thank you all again for your excellent suggestions!

Awesome shot! I like the edit Thorsten did!