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Mike Pitts's picture

Death Valley at Sunrise

The sun had just poked over the mountains, hitting the back side of the dune. I like the composition, but am looking for ways to improve the edit. Critique/advice welcome!

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Hey Mike, I think it looks gorgeous just as it is, but it's hard to say if you could improve the edit without having seen the original - any chance you could share it?

Thank you very much! I'll grab the original and throw it up.

I like the composition a lot. I feel that just a few adjustments will enhance what you already have: The dune on the left is too dark, i’d bring in some detail to it. The face of the dune on the left a bit too. Your highlights on your leading line is a little blown out near the top of the dune. I would lower them slightly. I think your sky and back mountain are perfect. Your 95% of the way to a great image.

Thank you! and Thank you for the insight! I dialed back the highlights and exposure a tad on the "spine" of the dune and it really brought out a lot more texture, spot on advice! As for the left, unfortunately that's actually the base of the basin wall made of a dark stone. To make things worse the sun is rising right behind it so it is buried in deep shadow. I pushed the exposure locally half a stop and gingerly raised the shadows, but didn't want to do too much as there just isn't much information to work with. Hopefully now it will at least be apparent that its underexposed rock and not sand haha. Thanks again!