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Adeel Jawed's picture

Please Critique

I am not sure I like this image, specially the composition. However I do quite like the alpen glow on the mountains. Please feel free to critique and let me know what you think.


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I think you should add some space at the bottom. This root is too close to the edge.

Some people can dislike man-made objects like the road.

I share your ambivalence, Adeel. I like the cool but not forbidding mood, and the colours are just right.

The bridge transects the whole image too severely, though, and I can't see that you could've avoided that necessarily, unless you could've shot from the other side of it, and included only the natural scene.

I think an object such as the bridge, with its forms and tones, would suit the image, but this time it would have been difficult to get a good composition including it, as there is obviously an optimal angle from which to portray the mountains. Maybe including more sky would help, but that could weaken the mountains. Maybe more foreground, as Aleksander says. Sometimes you just can't get the shot you'd like to work properly. It might be interesting for you to show the uncropped original, assuming you've cropped.

There is a slight problem with the root for me, but rather that it just touches the bridge support. If possible, I'd maybe have walked closer to the edge to create space above it, & that might address Aleksander's concerns..

I know you can't do much about infrastructure, and trust me, I know how infuriating it can be to have a perfectly good composition ruined by things such as bridges, fences, wires, or pipes. Also, I'm not inherently against man made structures in nature photography. That being said, I think the current placement of the bridge is what's hurting the image. If it would have been possible to go further back, or get a higher composition, so it wasn't cutting right in front of the mountains, then I think it could have worked as a kind of "man vs nature" photo.