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joseph cole's picture


So the guys who own the site went out and tried a landscape shot and edit MUST WATCH.......FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!

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Not gunna lie, both those photos weren't great. Those greens in the first looked like minty fresh leaves, and that light beam in the second...haha...it felt so shopped. Fun video though

lol minty fresh!!!

Neither of their photos were mind blowing, but it seems they already knew that, given the 2 star ratings they gave them.

That’s not to say they weren’t marketable. Patrick’s photo is the kind of thing I could see hanging on my mom’s wall because of the colours, whereas Lee’s is something I could see in a banner ad for a travel company. My main problem with lee’s photo is that they were supposed to be photographing a waterfall, but his choice to put a person in his photo actually took away from that.

As for your image, this is something I think people will disagree with, but you don’t really need as much of the left as you do. I know you wanted to fit the full log in, but I personally think it’s worth sacrificing to compliment the size of the waterfall. Really nice swirls, at the bottom.

thanks Jordan

You're right, Jordan - this person disagrees, for one! ;-) Need whole log. In fact could use more at left as it's ALMOST cut off by image edge. OK, you have to work harder to appreciate the fall, but it's worth it.

In fact, I'd like a panorama as appended.

There's plenty to milk in this scene. One could make a dozen good images here, of different angles, and different details.

Don't REALLY disagree with you. But I like that snaky graceful log

don't you dare cut out my swirls Chris lol

Well they didn't even have a polarizer to remove the glare on the rocks or to enhance the foliage green.