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Kyle Foreman's picture

Thoughts on These

These are both a new edit on some older photos. I was trying my hand at a new editing technique. Trying to go for that "soft glowy contrasty" look. Would love to get some feedback on these. Thanks.

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Awesome shots! My only advice would be to lay off the Orton a little bit, maybe come down 5-10% on the opacity. Of course this is just a matter of personal taste, otherwise nice work!

Thanks, this was my first time experimenting with the Orton effect. I may have overdone it a bit.

Your editing specifically on these photos is not the best, because every technique you use has its own flaws that you need to know and reduce or alter selectively or in any way.
This yellow (on second) is too strong, halo effect, low sharpness, that is probably due to orton effect or something similar.
The learning process is difficult, you just have to be persistent.
But I like the compositions, which is very important.

Edit: Just saw the previous post.
I apologize, slowly typing, and English is not my native language.

Yeah, this was my first time experimenting with the "Orton" effect. I like it but I definitely got some learning to do with it.

Just to know the Orton effect is not suitable for every scene. For this scene it is not, and when you use it in future, let it be selective.

Both appealing images, Kyle, although for me they are oversaturated, perhaps particularly the yellow in No. 2, as Radisa suggests. However, tastes vary, and such tonings and softening might well appeal to a lot of people for the painterly effect.

What bothers me more is something small but more fundamental, in the composition of No. 1: I think there needs to be a little more horizon and sky beyond the pier. To me, it looks distractingly cramped, jammed in too close to the left edge of the frame. Maybe just me! But here's an edit of what I'd prefer, with that bit synthesised as best I could.

Yeah, I was just kind of experimenting during a rainy day yesterday. I agree the yellow is too strong in the 2nd photo. Here is what the original version of the first photo looked like for reference.

I think whenever creative techniques are employed the only opinion that matters is that of the artist, but feedback is always helpful.
The colors are certainly vibrant, and whilst the saturation may not appeal to all I think there is definitely a section of the public that would appreciate it
I think the 'soft glow' you are attempting also helps in this respect, helping move the images to a more painterly effect rather than simple documentaries.
Perhaps as others indicate you have pushed the effect too far but if you can get this under control I think the images would be well accepted.

I appreciate the compositions in general but have a couple of points that you may want to consider;
As Chris points out the pier on first image extends too close to the left frame.

The horizon on both images are sloping very slightly to the right - not a big deal as most wouldn't notice it but would be easy to correct.

All in all I think this is great attempt and would love to see any re-edits you make.

How could I have missed that sloping horizon? One of many bees in my bonnet.

I don't think it's particularly evident and TBH the only reason I checked myself is I wasn't sure if the images are distorted. I try not to check unless it catches my eye.

Thanks for all of the feedback everybody. Thought I would go ahead and post how the "actual" version of this photo turned out. This is just my normal editing process no experimenting on this one.