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Kindred Willow's picture

Beinn Nibheis (Looking for Critique)

Hello, I shot this back in December 2017 from near the summit of Ben Nevis, Scotland. This was actually taken near midday and has been heavily edited to look more like sunrise and to take away from the harsh midday light on the white clouds and snow (also taken back when I shot JPEG, not RAW so it wasn't the easiest edit).
While I couldn't pick a good focus for the photo, I loved looking down on the cloud with the snow covered mountains below.
(updated to to increase of mountains)

Shot info:
ISO 140

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To be honest, I didn't even see the mountains until I looked closely at the enlarged image. The hazy atmosphere has reduced the contrast to the point that everything looks like a cloud. I also think you could crop a bit off the top as the skies above the clouds are not adding anything to the image.

As you say, this is a JPEG and thus doesn't really lend itself to extensive editing, but I was able to get a little more contrast in the mountains to help show a little of their detail.

I think this could be much more interesting with just a little work done to the original. I happen to think nearly every photo looks better in black and white and maybe in this case the B&W conversion could save a photo that needs more work than the JPEG can handle. Give it a try!

Thanks! I like what you've done with it - Ill try out he various suggestions and add them to this post. That added contrast definitely makes the mountains pop a bit more, and you're right the sky doesn't add much

I'll also add the original just for reference

Oh yeah. That haze is a killer. Tough to work with that in a JPEG.

Here is just an idea as quickly as possible. It seems to me that WB or your intention in post-production is not so good (too much yellow). With only a few adjustments, it can be seen that the photo has potential. Excellent capture!

Thank you! I think this was a case of me having an idea and sticking to it instead of trying out some different stuff. I'm going to take it back to post and see what I can do.