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Ana Sousa's picture

My 1º post

I want to know your opinion on my photos
This is my 1º post here so hi!!

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Hi Ana, I definitely like the mood of that first image a lot! I don't think the person's head at the end of the dock makes for a great focal point so I might have either shot it with them standing closer and showing their whole body or without them at all. I would also bring up the contrast to really accentuate those shadows of the railing on the dock, but that's just me. Nice capture of a nice moment!

yah, that's a good point, I didn't know the person but I would like if she was a on the top of the dune. I'm going to experiment if it's better without her at all. And I deed to experimente with the contrast as well. I was a bit afraid to lose detail on the shadows

For contrast you can always brush it selectively into the the railing shadows if you like. I've never heard a good rule about how to use the exposure sliders vs the tone curve in Lightroom but I often use the tone curve to set overall mood then the sliders to go in and fix specific parts of the exposure. So maybe try starting with a mildly contrasty S-shaped tone curve and see how you like it?

I'll try that, thank you

I agree with Xander. I like your first picture, but I don't like the head. Otherwise, I like the composition. I feel like I want to walk over the dune and see what is there.

ooh thank you! I'm going to photoshop the head out and see if I like it better.
Your comentes wore really helpful.