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cristian popa's picture

Bracklinn Falls

Walking trough Loch Lomond national park in Scotland can be really amazing.One of my favorite spots is the Bracklinn Falls, can’t stop listening to the flow of the water.
New to landscape photography, I’m new to photography in general and I’m amazed by all the work put trough from all of you in this community so I dare to post for the 1st time.

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Great mix of foreground and background elements!

What a wonderful image Cristian - this is especially impressive if new to photography.

This is very well done technically - you have created a nice silkiness to the water and have processed well. Composition is also pretty sound - I like the way you have added the foreground element, that invites the eye into the image and draws it through to the waterfall beyond.

Question - did you focus-stack this image? The foreground looks really sharp and with the smaller image I am unable to tell if the background is as sharp or slightly softer.

If I had to make one suggestion it would be on getting the best out of the water flow. I think the image might be improved if there were a little more detail in the foreground water. This would be achieved by using a faster shutter speed, producing the same silky streams as seen in your waterfall.

Overall I congratulate you on a wonderful image - beginner or not!

Thank very much for your time and advice i really appreciated. I own a Nikon D7100 with kit lens 18-105 mm and Tamrom 70-200 mm had the camera for a while now and play around all my image were bad, spent a lot of time on tutorials and guides and week ago now i decided to start follow this path of Landscape photography.Ill do my best with this camera till ill upgrade on something better or lenses dk yet..

To answer your question i was thinking to focus stack but then i went for a portrait panorama as i couldn't fit all the element in one shot. Ill revisit the place at some point letter as i want to retake the shot on different light and definitely ill keep an try your advise .

Thank you

Love this whole shot.

i like this as a base for some processing, as is it is just flat due to the lack of separation moving through the scene by separation i mean in tone it is the same from top to bottom changing it up would create more depth and allow the viewer to move from front to back easier