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Kyle Foreman's picture

Cherry Blossoms at Duke Gardens

Took this on Thursday at Sarah P Duke Gardens on the campus of Duke University in Durham North Carolina. This place is gorgeous this time of year.

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Love the beginnings of spring! Nice shot.

Thank you!


Thank you!

Beautiful canopy of cherry trees. Nice perspective too. I like the off-center vanishing point. Are you interested in feedback with suggestions?

Absolutely open to feedback! Although idk if I’d be able to retake the pic. Flowers might be mostly gone. Also, just so you know this was a 5 minute exposure. There were a ton of people there and that was the only I could get them out! I do have a regular shot as well that I could mask in for the flowers . The flowers looked fairly sharp to me (not much wind) so I didn’t waste my time just to post on the internet. But I’m definitely open to suggestions to make it look better. Just wanted to give you some general info.

The scene is really nice. I think it could benefit from having someone in the image, to add both scale and a story of sorts. This would change it from a picture of a path to a picture of a moment occurring on a path. This is subjective, so take it or leave it.

Also, it's worth cleaning up the dark thing on the path.

I'm going out to do some cherry blossom shots this week, so seeing this is getting me pumped!