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Andrew Williams's picture

A Cold Day In February

I had gotten my Canonet GIII back from being serviced and I wanted to see how the meter worked, So I carried it into the Tango with me along with my "serious" camera on a dreary, overcast icy day. Kodak Portra 160. Trying to avoid cliches.

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Nice abstracts, Andrew, that could almost be oil paintings.

Thanks. I've never understood how saying a photograph looked like a painting was a compliment, but I accept it as how it was meant.

Good point, Andrew. It was a compliment.

On reflection that idea popped into my head because your images remind me of very highly abstracted landscape oil paintings, or pure abstracts that ambiguously suggest a landscape, seascape or skyscape. I love this effect, which I suspect comes from the painter and viewer unconsciously sharing an understanding of the how the world looks, and the painter evoking the feelings we get when we marvel at nature's beauty, without literal depiction. This is not easy, and I think your photos have that same distillation of how we see the world.

Don't know if that makes sense. Struggling to explain something here.

Abstract is my favorite form of photography. I wish we had an active abstract group! I like the first image and I love the second. Great lines in both. Nicely done Andrew!

You can form a group! David Huguet and I discussed starting a minimalist or simple photography group. Maybe there could be a fusion of these, which seem related to me. Hard to think of a good name that might attract interest. There are a lot of good images on Fstoppers, but in general they tend to be very literal.

I love this idea. I would consider doing this and will check out what is involved. If you like, reach out to David and see if he likes the idea. Name suggestions would be welcomed.